Add a Search Box to Zendesk Forum


This feature only available to Zendesk Classic Web Portal. Click here to understand the differences.


You can add a search button to your Zendesk forum site for your end users to search your ProProfs documentation. When a user submits the form they will be taken to your ProProfs site and the search results will be displayed.

Step 1 - Enable Zendesk in ProProfs

The first step is to copy a small piece of code from ProProfs.

  1. Log in to your ProProfs account (as an administrator).
  2. Click Settings in the toolbar.
  3. Click Zendesk Integration.
  4. Check Turn on Zendesk Integration to enable Zendesk Integration.
  5. The click on the link to go into the old Zendesk.
  6. Select all text in the Forum Search box, then right-click and select Copy.

Step 2 - Add the Widget in Zendesk

After you copy the code from ProProfs, log in to your Zendesk account.

  1. Log in to your Zendesk account, and select Settings > Extensions.
  2. Select add widget in the right-hand corner.
  3. From the list of available widgets, select Global JavaScript.
  4. Enter the widget information.
  • For the Title enter "ProProfs Forum Search".
  • For Available for, change to Anyone, including people who have not logged in.

  • In the Content text field, paste the code you copied from ProProfs.
  • Select Create Widget and then Submit.


Note: Make sure you change the drop-down menu selection from "Preview widget" to "Create widget."


Related Articles:

Documentation Tab
Zendesk Support Widget
Zendesk Single Sign-On

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