How to Access Revision History


ProProfs Knowledge Base collects and stores the page edits on the cloud to let you monitor a page’s history. The feature allows you to track changes on the page level and restore previous versions if necessary.


Note: Revision History saves backup copies each time you save a draft page or publish a page. ProProfs will store the last 30 revisions of each page.


Benefits of Accessing a Page's Revision History:


  • See all previous versions of a page along with their respective dates and time of the creation

  • Restore any earlier version of a page

  • See the difference in the content of any two versions of a page

  • Comment on any version of a page


Here’s a preview of the revision history of a page:


Preview of the Revision History of a Page


How to Access Revision History


Step 1: Select the required page from the table of content and click the Revision History icon on the far right, as shown in the screenshot below.


Click on the Revision History icon

Step 2: As you arrive under the Revision History tab, you can see the current published and previous versions that you can restore. You can also see the differences between any two versions of the page.


Revision History of a page


1. Current published version - This is the version of the page that is currently published and visible to anyone who searches for this particular page.


2. Restore this version - Clicking this option restores that version over the published one. You can then continue to edit its content.


3. Draft - Shows the version that was in draft between the currently published and previously published versions.


4. Show Differences - You can select any two versions of the page and click Show Differences to view their differences. The screenshot below shows how the differences between page versions are presented. You can also see the date and time of each version.


Show Difference between two versions


5. Comment - Comment on a page version by clicking the comment icon. The comment box appears as shown in the screenshot below. Enter your comment in the comment text box and save.


Add Comment


Step 2.1: You can also access the workflow history to see the details about modifications in a page’s status. Click Show Workflow History.


Show Workflow History


That is all about accessing a page’s revision history in your knowledge Base.



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