How to Import a Word File Into ProProfs Knowledge Base


With ProProfs Knowledge Base, you can import your Microsoft Word content into the help site. All your Word files can be seamlessly incorporated as individual pages. You won't have to build dedicated help pages for each Word doc manually. It is simple and quick and enables a smooth transition toward using a centralized repository of information.


Here’s what an imported file will appear in the Knowledge Base.


Imported Word File in ProProfs Knowledge Base


Benefits of importing a word file into Knowledge Base:


  • Quickly upload a self-help material you have saved as a word file in your local storage

  • Manage a separate database of key help articles as a word file and bring them anytime to your KB account


There are two ways that you can import content from Microsoft Word into the ProProfs Knowledge Base:



How to Import a Word File Directly


Step 1: Click Add New > Page on the KB dashboard.


Step 2: Navigate to Import > click Upload your document here.


Step 3: Browse the word file, select, and click Open.


Go to Add New > Page > Import and then upload your document


Step 3: The following confirmation message will appear after a Word doc is successfully imported. Click OK to acknowledge the message.


Import confirmation screen


Step 4: The imported doc will appear like this on your Knowledge Base dashboard. Similarly, you can import more Word documents depending on your requirements. You'll receive an email confirmation regarding the import on the same email ID you used to log into ProProfs Knowledge Base.


Note: If you'd like to convert a single Word doc into multiple pages in the Help site, you need to create H1 tags in the doc's content. The Knowledge Base converts each H1 tag during import into an individual page.


Imported Word File


How to Import as an HTML


Guidelines to Import a Word File as HTML


The first step is to prepare your word document. The following objects will NOT import and should be removed from your document before saving it as an HTML file.


  • Headers/footers

  • Cover pages

  • Table of contents

  • Macros

  • Smart art or shapes


Multiple page document


  • It is important to note that ProProfs does not separate or automatically split up your document into multiple pages.

  • Each document will be imported as 1 page in ProProfs.

  • If you need various pages in ProProfs, you must split your document into multiple files and import them.

  • Many users find copy-paste and drag-drop images more effective for importing large word documents.


Note: We currently have a desktop program that we can use to split your word document into many HTML files. Please email us at if you are interested in this service. The process is to send us your word document, and we will split it up and send it back to you.


Saving Document as HTML


In Google docs,


Step 1: Click File > Download


Step 2: Select Web Page (.html, zipped). The file gets saved in your system.


Save the Word file as HTML


Step 3: Select all the files you wish to zip. Right-click on any file (ensure all files are selected) and click Compress to ZIP file.


A new folder with a zipper image will appear in the same area (i.e., the desktop or folder in which you saved the original item). This is your new zip file/folder.


Don’t get confused with the file name. The zip folder will have the file name on which you right-clicked to compress by default. You can rename it as per your liking.


Step 4: Continue from Step 3 in this article to complete the import process.


Note: Make sure you select Clean up bad (Word, Frontpage) HTML on the import screen since Word saves webpages with lots of extraneous code.


Clean Up Bad HTML


Below is an example showing extraneous code added by Word to documents exported/saved as HTML.


<!--[if gte vml 1]><v:shapetype 
id="_x0000_t75" coordsize="21600,21600" o:spt="75" o:preferrelative="t" 
path="m@4@5l@4@11@9@11@9@5xe" filled="f" stroked="f"> 
<v:stroke joinstyle="miter"/> 
<v:f eqn="if lineDrawn pixelLineWidth 0"/> 
<v:f eqn="sum @0 1 0"/> 
<v:f eqn="sum 0 0 @1"/> 
<v:f eqn="prod @2 1 2"/> 
<v:f eqn="prod @3 21600 pixelWidth"/> 
<v:f eqn="prod @3 21600 pixelHeight"/> 
<v:f eqn="sum @0 0 1"/> 
<v:f eqn="prod @6 1 2"/> 
<v:f eqn="prod @7 21600 pixelWidth"/> 
<v:f eqn="sum @8 21600 0"/> 
<v:f eqn="prod @7 21600 pixelHeight"/> 
<v:f eqn="sum @10 21600 0"/> 
<v:path o:extrusionok="f" gradientshapeok="t" o:connecttype="rect"/> 
<o:lock v:ext="edit" aspectratio="t"/> 
</v:shapetype><v:shape id="_x0000_i1025" type="#_x0000_t75" style='width:438.75pt; 
<v:imagedata src="v11%20OF%20Basics%20Show%20Me%20Guide%20IMPORT_files/image001.png" 


That is all about importing a word file into ProProfs Knowledge Base.



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